Daily life with Dad

Created by Lisa 3 years ago

As you will know Mum and Dad were a great team, with Mum looking after the house and doing the cooking whilst Dad looked after the garden and finances.

However after Mum died, Dad had to learn some new skills very quickly from cooking, cleaning, and going to the supermarket, to washing and ironing. Oops sorry not the ironing he put his foot down on that one!

However, he did master the washing, all be it with one mishap when a cashmere jumper went into the tumble dryer and ended up fit for a teddy bear. So, to avoid any further shrinking or colour run mishaps, I neglected to tell him he had a washer dryer when he moved into his new home at New Court. I also left it on a certain temperature so that all could be washed carefully whilst buying a laundry basket which catered for darks and lights. Success... phew, no further washing mishaps.

Dad and I did have a laugh about his newfound laundry skills last year when I remarked how Mum would find it amusing if she could see him now as he was putting his washing on the airier like a seasoned professional!

If you have memories of Dad, please share them with us. Either post them on here for all to read or email them to me. Myself and Grant would love to read them.